Admit That You Are An Anti-Semit, Then Stop Facebooking Today!

Previously posted on July 9, 2010. Click it here

I thought this might be too, or to a lesser extent, over-provocative title. But I thought this might be a suitable one for this article, too. All the time you browse on Internet, you ‘surf’ on search engines like Google, Yahoo, whatsoever, just write down keyword, let’s say, like ‘global conspiracy’, and all the answers might head to all these sorts of conspiracies. Popularly, all based on ‘Protocols on The Elders of Zion’, which as written there (trust me I’ve never read that, but you can find some books similarly synonymous with the former one in Gramedia bookstores), that the Jews were currently planning to re-create ‘New World Order’, or so-called ‘Novus Ordo Seclorum’ in Latin, and they would be subsequently ruling the entire world. Rule the world? Isn’t that what they have done recently? Remember, that book was written down in 1920. This year is 2010, and we have seen proofs anywhere, that, really, Jews have ‘ruled’ many aspects of our lives, this world, and even as you can see from all these textbooks we learn at schools. I prove. Who found theory of relativity? Albert Einstein, and he’s a Jew. Don’t we frequently use that in textbooks? Okay, let’s find another one. Who discovered vitamin? Casimir Funk, and he’s a Polish Jew. Ever imagined how the whole world could be if he didn’t exist? Who financed England in the 19th century, the period where almost 65 nations throughout the entire world were subsequently colonized by the kingdom, and by god-save-the-queen, or exactly, Queen Victoria, herself? A lot. You would find these names: Rothschild, Moses Montefiore, Isaac Goldsmith, and even a Jew had been positioned, throned in as Prime Minister! That is Benjamin Disraeli. I think there would be much more facts we would all discover about how prominent they are, not only for us, but also for the entire world, and so are the anti-Semits themselves! See these:1. See all our wireless remotes for TVs. Just on a single ‘click’, then you can afford yourself to move from one channel to another one, or instead shut it down. This device was invented by Robert Adler.

2. Shopping carts. Anywhere, anytime, at any single supermarkets, department stores, superstores, whatsoever, you would see most of the time, most of the middle-aged, or young, fresh, new so-called ‘mummies’ all the time pulling the carts. Who invented that? Sylvan Nathan Goldman. Due to his discovery, he subsequently became a multimillionaire. (You can’t afford to find him, but his grave, because he passed away in 1984).

3. Gertrude B. Elion: she was the researcher of drugs to tackle leukemia and AIDS. Albeit the ‘absolute remedies’ have not been discovered yet, albeit she had passed away nearly a dozen of years ago, but she was one of the pioneers in both anti-leukemia and anti-AIDS research. She was awarded Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1988. Additional fact: her parents were immigrants.

4. Camera phone. The age of narcissism began from this. Take a picture, appear as stylish, as fetish, as you can be, then upload it on Facebook, or Twitter, whatsoever. The inventor was Philippe Kahn, a Swiss-born Jew.

5. Polaroid camera. The world would never be so ‘colorful’ without it. It was invented by Edwin Herbert Land, still, a Jew.

6. What is in your mind if I say ‘sports bra’? Special bras used in sports? Perhaps. One of the inventors was Hinda Miller, now a Democratic Party member.

7. Millions of lives, over the whole world, were saved with polio vaccines. All we need to thank is to son of Russian-Jewish immigrants, who would be then an ‘ordinary man who achieved something extraordinary’, and the person was Jonas Edward Salk. His mostly popular quote: “There is no patent [for my vaccines]. Could you patent the sun?”

8. Blue jeans. If there were no Levi Strauss (German Jew) and Jacob Davis (Latvian Jew), who do you think might invent? I hope that’s you if you can.

9. Nuclear reactor. This was invented by Leo Szilard, a Hungarian Jewish physicist. Side effect: hydrogen bomb and atomic bomb. These were the bombs, worth for hundred thousand lives. Who invented them? Edward Teller (Hungarian Jew) and S. Robert Oppenheimer, head of The Manhattan Project (a secret state-owned project during World War II to develop nuclear bombs).

10. Uzi ‘sub-machine guns’: it was invented by an Israeli, Uziel Gal.

12. Marxism. Throughout 20th century, the entire world has witnessed how every single Marxist movement struggled to oust the power and rule the whole countries, as by-product of colonialism’s side effects. The movement also cost millions of human lives. The inventor was Karl Marx, a German Jew. As an additional fact, three ‘most’ influential Jews in the 20th century were Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud (father of psychological studies), and Albert Einstein.

13. Jews played a dominant role in ending apartheid in South Africa, in all terms. Be it radical, moderate, conservative, ultra-radical, or anarchic. Examples are as follow: Nadine Gordimer, author, awarded Nobel Prize for Literature in 1991, who all the time supported Nelson Mandela, then Albie Sachs, Harry Schwarz, and etc.

14. Karl Landsteiner, an Austrian Jewish scientist, discovered blood groups (translated here: golongan darah, as you had learnt in Biology book on Junior High School’s second grade).

15. The ones who star in your beloved roles, perhaps: Robert Downey, Jr. (Iron Man). He was, exactly, ‘one-quarter Jewish’, from his paternal side. Steven Seagal, a then-convert-to-Buddhist Russian Jew, as you have known, was fabulous for his always-winning-by-himself-all-the-time martial-art-only movies, which is why I might dub him as ‘always-win-in-the-movie action impresario’. The same thing also goes to that handsome guy who played in Transformers, Shia LaBeouf. One more: the guy who once spelt ‘Ridiculous!’. You must have known who he is. Harry Potter, isn’t it? Yes, and you might find out that Daniel Radcliffe is a Jew, from his maternal side.

16. Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke. Both served as governors of America’s epicentrum of so-called ‘greens’, exactly, Fed. Both were responsible to stabilize the economy, although as you have seen, financial crises and recessions are factually ‘unavoidable’.

17. How many of you may find it shocking in this fact? Notice it. Head of Pemuda Pancasila (so-called ‘PP’ in short term), Yapto Soerjosoemarno, has a Dutch-Jewish mother, and a father originated from a Javanese noble family.

18. Google was co-founded by Sergey Brin and Larry Page, both full-blooded Jewish. Instead, it was the search engine whom you might find out millions of answers related to ‘anti-Semitism’!

19. Dell. The billion-dollar computing industry colosseum was founded by Michael Saul Dell, also a full-blooded Jew. He was the first one to introduce an innovative idea about ‘direct distribution’, in which products are directly distributed from manufacturers to consumers without any necessities to use distributors. This is why he could have earned more than 20 billion dollars by the time he is not fully 50 years old yet! Anybody interested to ask him for ‘ang pau’? I hope he is willing.

20. Starbucks Coffee, invented by Howard Schultz. I guess that most of all would agree, there are virtually no other places as exclusive as Starbucks. 90%, as I can guess, or more than it.

21. One of Microsoft’s main research and development centers is in Haifa, Israel. That is where all the programs, including Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc, had undergone ‘further’ R&D processes, exactly at Technion University.

22. One last thing: that handsome ex-Harvardian, Mark Zuckerberg, established this social network I am currently, together with the other 400 to 500 million users, are getting nuts in, regardless of their origins. He is known purportedly as Polish Jew, but he admits himself as ‘atheist’.

Most of us, more than 90% of us, like me, would envy on their ingeniosity. But it does not mean we have to be Jews to be of consideration as ‘genius’. And it also does not mean that only the Jews are the greatest ones, because, just conceive the truth, regardless of who we are, be it Jews, Chinese, Indonesians, Russians, Americans, Africans, Arabians, or even Palestinians as well (a bit derogatory for Israelis), there must be those who are ‘ingenious’ and those whose intelligence is the reversed version of the former one. I myself condemned widely at how these ruthless Israeli troops committed assassination against those who participated in humanitarian programs to assist these helpless men in Gaza, but that must not mean we have to grow hatred in the entire Jews. There are good Jews, and there must be the bad ones, too. There is no use in extensifying ‘anti-Semitism’, because there are many things for us to learn from the Jews. Don’t you know that the pioneers of ‘Flotilla to Gaza’ were Israeli Jews, too? But, the choice is up to you. Admit that you are an anti-Semit, and the best advice I might suggest to you is, stop facebooking and googling starting from today.

Note: There is no means of racial-related exaggeration and offences being made in this article. I would like to express deep apology for any inconvenience caused.